Janina Ultra White Low Abrasion Sensitive Whitening Toothpaste 75ml

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  • Revolutionary enzymatic patented complex
  • Gives lasting gum protection
  • Contains optimum fluoride levels
  • Helps prevent erosion of teeth

JANINA Ultra White Whitening Toothpaste is a unique, clinically proven, low abrasion formulation which contains the most active ingredients for good oral hygiene and the new WHITENING PATENTED “Bromaine Complex”, a combination of natural enzymes (Bromelaine from Pineapple and Papain from Papaya) to safely whiten teeth without the use of harsh abrasives.

JANINA Sensitive Ultra White Whitening Toothpaste contains the patented enzymatic Bromaine Complex to promote low abrasion whitening, for whiter teeth without any harm to the enamel.Its formula has been especially developed to decrease teeth sensitivity to cold, heat, contact and acids.

Brand Janina